(630) 521-3037

Second Opinions

Orthopaedic Surgery Second Opinion

Confidence in your diagnosis and treatment plan is paramount. Taking advantage of a second opinion can help to confirm your existing diagnosis and treatment plan, or contemplate an alternative approach treatment.

Double Board-certified and fellowship trained Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Ronak M. Patel is available to provide an Orthopaedic second opinion by reviewing your records, MRIs and/or X-rays. Dr. Patel, in conjunction with Hinsdale Orthopaedics and the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute, provides nationally renowned Orthopaedic care.

While Dr. Patel always prefers to examine patients and listen to their story, he understands it’s not always possible in a second opinion.  Even if you do not live in Illinois or Indiana, Dr. Patel can still help via virtual consultation. We’re fortunate to have patients travel to Hinsdale Orthopaedics from throughout the country and internationally. Furthermore, if you’re simply in need of an expert second opinion, Dr. Patel is happy to help.  Many other Orthopaedic surgeons in the region trust Dr. Patel’s opinion, and routinely send complex patients or family members to him for second opinions, consultations and surgery.

The benefits of a second opinion

After reviewing your case history, MRIs and/or X-rays, Dr. Patel can provide you with:

  • Additional knowledge about your diagnosis
  • Additional knowledge about your treatment options

With this additional information, you can compare diagnosis and treatment results between multiple physicians and confirm the diagnosis and treatment plan are the best option for you.

Most physicians welcome a second opinion from a respected peer. A good physician understands a patient’s right to be well-informed and understand their healthcare choices.

Take advantage of a second opinion from Dr. Ronak Patel

Information is vital to all patients when it comes to their healthcare and obtaining a second opinion is a normal practice with knee, shoulder, and sports related injuries. Be honest with your original physician, and they should be understanding of your interest to seek additional knowledge about your diagnosis and treatment options.

To initiate an Orthopaedic second opinion from Dr. Patel, you will need to gather a copy of your medical records, MRI(s) and radiology results. These items will provide him with a better understanding of the details of your Orthopaedic injury. Click the link below to complete an online contact form. Upon receipt, one of our team members will contact you with more information.